
柴田 耕佑

早稲田大学出身。株式会社ワンインチ創業者CEO、CBDスタートアップ第1号企業。テネシー州KAT'S NATURALS社と独占契約。原料卸のほか、製品OEM受託や自社商品の販売を手がける。味覚糖の製造したCBDグミを上市。CBD議連・出席者。CBDに関するガイドライン制定を目指す。日本企業初CBDの第三者安全性試験実施。本田圭佑をはじめ多数の個人投資家、事業会社、VCが投資に参画。
A graduate of Waseda University. Founder and CEO of One Inch Corporation, the first CBD startup. Has an exclusive contract with KAT'S NATURALS in Tennessee. In addition to raw material wholesaling, he manages OEM product manufacturing and sales of the company's products. Launched a CBD gummy produced by Tasteful Sugar. An attendee of the CBD Consortium. Aiming to establish guidelines related to CBD. Conducted the first third-party safety test for CBD by a Japanese company. Several individual investors, including Keisuke Honda, businesses, and venture capitals have participated in investments.