

埼玉県在住 現在32歳のてんかん患者(ウエスト症候群)の母親。
2019年、息子の体重増加と共に抗てんかん薬が多剤で量も増えたため何か良い薬が無いか探し求めて GREEN ZONE JAPAN に巡り合い CBD を摂取させる事になる。
2022年 厚生労働省に Epidiolex の保険承認適応拡大の要望書提出に参加
Resident of Saitama Prefecture. Currently the mother of a 32-year-old son with epilepsy (West Syndrome). About 10 years ago, she became interested in natural farming through Akira Kimura, known for "The Miracle Apple." In 2019, as her son's weight increased and he required higher doses of anti-epileptic drugs, she sought better medication and encountered GREEN ZONE JAPAN, starting her son on CBD. Since then, she has been interested in cultivating hemp in Saitama. In 2022, she participated in submitting a petition to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to expand the insurance coverage for Epidiolex. She plans to grow hemp as part of a project connecting agriculture and welfare, in collaboration with a company that owns a hydroponic cultivation facility. The project also includes opening a café to sell tea and other products and provide a relaxing space, with plans to employ staff with disabilities.