
福泉 英治

東京都出身。80年代に起業し、外資系パソコン、adobeソフト、先進OA機器の市場導入企画を行う。01年以降は、明治神宮初の音楽イベント、南太平洋諸国との文化交流イベントの企画ディレクションなど。07年に京都に移住し、伝統系の出版企画、経産省クールジャパンプロデューサーに認定、奈良前衛映画祭の企画主催、万葉集文化イベント企画など。現在は愛媛県に移住し、自然栽培農法の普及活動及び「縄文庄設立委員会」を展開中。公益財団法人 緑新協会・参与。
Born in Tokyo. Established a company in the 1980s, planning market introductions of foreign PCs, Adobe software, and advanced OA equipment. Since 2001, he has directed events such as the first music event at Meiji Shrine and a cultural exchange event with South Pacific countries. He moved to Kyoto in 2007, where he has been involved in traditional publishing projects, was certified as a Cool Japan producer by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, and organized events like the Nara Avant-Garde Film Festival and cultural events related to The Manyoshu. Currently residing in Ehime Prefecture, he promotes natural farming methods and leads the “Jomon Village Establishment Committee.” He is also an associate at the Green Innovation Foundation.