近藤 勇利

2021年 株式会社RtoR 設立。代表取締役就任。自身が最前線に立ちセールスチームを兼任。
NTTやその他多数の企業のセールスを担当。 2023年よりCBD部のセールス/マーケティングとしても活躍。
サステナ便運営責任者。 2024年4月、AHEP事務局長 就任。
Founded RtoR Inc. in 2021. Became CEO. He is on the front lines and also serves as a member of the sales team.
In charge of sales for NTT and many other companies. From 2023, he will also be active in sales/marketing for the CBD department.
He is responsible for the operation of Sustainability Service. In April 2024, he was appointed Secretary General of AHEP.