ロジャー(中澤 亮太)

日本におけるCBD/ヘンプの可能性や課題を感じ、CBD部とAsabis株式会社を設立。CBD/ヘンプ産業のインフラ構築に邁進中。75年ぶりの大麻取締法改正に際して、衆議院厚生労働委員会にて参考人として意見陳述。また、2023年11月、テレビ東京WBS(ワールドビジネスサテライト)にて主宰展示会「CBDジャーニー & カナコン 2023」が放映。
Born in Kyoto and raised in Tokyo. Graduated from Kaisei High School and the Faculty of Economics at Hitotsubashi University. Awarded the Hachiro Koyama Memorial Scholarship at the University of Illinois.
After graduating, he was assigned to a South American office at a publicly listed IT company, where he was in charge of new business development. Later, he established a company for overseas marketing and concurrently became the CEO of the Japanese subsidiary of a French IT company. He is currently involved in management as an advisor.
Recognizing the potential and challenges of CBD/hemp in Japan, he founded the CBD Club and Asabis Corporation. He is actively working on building infrastructure for the CBD/hemp industry. In relation to the first revision of the Cannabis Control Act in 75 years, he testified as an expert witness before the House of Representatives' Health, Labour and Welfare Committee. Additionally, in November 2023, his exhibition "CBD Journey & CannaCon 2023" was featured on TV Tokyo's World Business Satellite (WBS).