ダグラス モリソン

1986年 ハワイ オアフ島生まれ
2009年 日本に音楽活動の為、来日
Born in 1986 on Oahu, Hawaii.
In 2009, he came to Japan for music activities.
In 2012, he was diagnosed with a type of nerve cancer called "Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor." His experience battling the disease sparked an interest in health.
In 2018, he discovered CBD, which helped him quit smoking and improved his insomnia. Noticing a significant improvement in his quality of life, he wanted more people to know about CBD. Thus, on April 20, 2020, he established a YouTube channel named "CBD College" to share information about CBD and cannabis. He continues to spread the word to this day.
In 2022, due to a recurrence of "Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor," he underwent surgery on April 12, which was successfully completed. He is currently in recovery.