
丸山 泰弘

立正大学法学部教授。「市民の、市民による、市民のための刑事政策」をモットーとしている。2018 – 20年にUC Berkeleyで客員研究員。日本犯罪社会学会理事、日本司法福祉学会理事。単著「刑事司法手続における薬物依存治療プログラムの意義」(2015年)〈守屋研究奨励賞受賞(2016年)〉など。主な業績はタモリ倶楽部「空耳アワー」のTシャツ。
Professor at Rissho University's Faculty of Law. His motto is "A criminal policy by the people, for the people, and of the people." He served as a visiting researcher at UC Berkeley from 2018 to 2020. He is a board member of the Japanese Society of Criminology and the Japanese Society of Judicial Welfare. He authored "The Significance of Drug Dependence Treatment Programs in Criminal Justice Procedures" (2015), which was honored with the Moriya Research Encouragement Award in 2016. Among his notable achievements is a T-shirt from the "Soramimi Hour" segment on the Tamori Club show.