新城 安太

弁護士法人至誠法律事務所、株式会社SSFホールディングス執行役員、株式会社RDr.執行役員、一般社団法人日本カンナビノイド協会 顧問
- 沖縄県出身
- 琉球大学法文学部卒業
- 琉球大学法科大学院中退(司法試験合格のため)
- 渥美坂井法律事務所・外国法共同事業
- 弁護士法人至誠法律事務所
Attorney at Shisei Law Firm, Executive Officer at SSF Holdings Corporation, Executive Officer at RDr. Corporation, and Advisor at the General Incorporated Association Japanese Cannabinoid Association.
- Born in Okinawa Prefecture
- Graduated from the Faculty of Law and Letters at Ryukyu University
- Dropped out of the Graduate School of Law at Ryukyu University (due to passing the bar examination)
- Worked at Atsumi & Sakai Law Firm & Foreign Law Joint Enterprise
- Currently at Shisei Law Firm.