千田 良仁

全国の中山間地域でヒト・モノ・カネのコーディネートを通じた地域資源の発掘・ 利活用による地域活性化の支援、および大学と地域の連携によるイノベーション 創出をテーマに研究、活動を行っている。
Representative Director of the General Incorporated Association Meiwa Tourism Agency and Professor at the Faculty of Modern Japanese Sociological Studies at Kogakkan University.
Born in Sanuki City, Kagawa Prefecture. His areas of expertise include agricultural, forestry, and fisheries economics, as well as regional innovation theory.
Through coordinating people, goods, and capital in mountainous regions nationwide, he researches and engages in activities focused on the discovery and utilization of local resources to revitalize regions. He also works on creating innovation through collaborations between universities and local communities.
He concurrently serves as a Regional Power Creation Advisor for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and a Local Revitalization Advisor for Kuji City and Meiwa Town.
Since March 2023, he has been involved in the "Amatsusugaso" Project in Tianjin.