
正高 佑志

1985生まれ。医師。熊本大学医学部医学科卒。一般社団法人GREEN ZONE JAPAN代表理事&臨床カンナビノイド学会副理事長として、大麻草の安全性や有用性に関する啓発活動に従事している。難治てんかん患者へのCBDの有効性に関する追跡調査と学術報告を行い、国内での治験開始への道筋をつけることに貢献した。著書『お医者さんがする大麻とCBDの話』など。
Born in 1985. Doctor. Graduated from Kumamoto University School of Medicine. As the Representative Director of the general incorporated association GREEN ZONE JAPAN and Vice President of the Clinical Cannabinoid Society, he is engaged in educational activities about the safety and usefulness of cannabis. He conducted a follow-up survey and academic report on the efficacy of CBD for patients with intractable epilepsy, contributing to the path to the initiation of clinical trials in Japan. Author of books such as "The Cannabis and CBD Talk by a Doctor".