
三木 直子

翻訳家。一般社団法人Green Zone Japan 理事。国際基督教大学教養学部語学科卒。 2010年より医療大麻に関する海外の情報発信を個人で開始し、2017年に GREEN ZONE JAPAN を正高佑志と共同設立、理事を務める。訳書に『マリファナはなぜ非合法なのか?』『CBDの科学』他。映画『The Scientist』の日本語字幕のほか、米国の非営利団体 Project CBD の日本語サイトも担当している。
Translator. Director of the general incorporated association Green Zone Japan. Graduated from International Christian University, College of Liberal Arts, Department of Linguistics. Started disseminating information about medical cannabis on her own from 2010 and co-founded GREEN ZONE JAPAN with Masataka Yoshi in 2017, where she serves as a director. Translated works include "Why Is Marijuana Illegal?" and "The Science of CBD", among others. She is responsible for the Japanese subtitles of the movie "The Scientist" and also manages the Japanese website for the non-profit organization Project CBD in the United States.