与儀 大介

現在は埼玉県志木市議会議員。BAR, 脱毛サロンを日本国内外で店舗展開中。また、タイにおいて医療大麻ディスペンサリーも経営。YouTube番組の令和の虎にてALL(資金調達)を達成し、代々木にてCBDやチルをテーマにしたイベントBARであるchillhouseをオープン。過去に、路上演奏の稼ぎで世界一周を経験。
Currently a member of the Shiki City Council in Saitama Prefecture. Expanding businesses with bars and hair removal salons both in and outside of Japan. Also, manages a medical cannabis dispensary in Thailand. Achieved the ALL (fundraising goal) on the YouTube show "Reiwa no Tora," and subsequently opened "chillhouse," an event bar themed around CBD and relaxation, in Yoyogi. In the past, he traveled around the world funded by earnings from street performances.